“I’ve always felt that my ‘style’—the careful projection onto paper of who I think I am—was my only marketable asset, the only possession that might set me apart from other writers.” ---William Zinsser

More like this at http://claudiatallermusings.blogspot.com/

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Storytelling--Red Tent Tales -- Open Your Heart with Storytelling

UNITY SPIRITUAL CENTER SATURDAY, APRIL 26 FROM 12-4PM Years ago, I led an oral storytelling event at Lakeside, and simple questions like, "What is the first thing you remember?" brought people to tears. The women of Biblical times congregated in a red tent each month during menses, and what else was there to do in their seclusion but talk? Maya Angelou wrote that "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” That's what drives writers to write, old people to tell their stories, women to gossip when they’re just trying to find answers. You may tell your stories out loud and repeat the same ones over and over again, and as you find the right moment to say what comes to mind at a dinner table or while walking in the woods, you are letting that untold story out into the world. What is it about human nature that makes us want to tell others what we've learned, what we feel, what we've experienced? Join us on a journey into the ancient tradition of storytelling as a way to express interior conflicts and heal wounds, as a way to re-work what we know and create a vision for the future, and as a way to find beauty and blessings in our lives. Although we will do some writing together, in addition to oral storytelling, the only skill necessary is to write what’s true and absolute and real for you as your journey in this world. The cost is $35 and includes a light lunch. Payment should be made to Claudia Taller, 26408 Chapel Hill Drive, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070 prior to the event. For questions and to register, write Claudia.taller@yahoo.com or call Claudia at 440-554-6406.

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A Winding Road - Writing

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My book, "Ohio's Lake Erie Wineries," an Arcadia production, explores the history of island and lakeshore wineries from the mid-1800s through today. I write travel, memoir, profiles, book reviews, local interest articles, and fiction. My writing is always of discovery--whether it's journaling, book reviewing, letter writing, or sharing an experience of life. I have written two novels and am working on a third novel and a memoir. I am passionate about sharing what life has to offer with others. "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron woke me up to a sense of possibility--life is too short not be enjoyed by living deeply and well. I created Igniting Possibilities, a conduit for creativity workshops and events, in the hope of guiding others to realize their full potential. The Word Lover's Retreats at Lakeside, Ohio's Chautauqua community, help writers find their voice and direction.